How to Reduce Spam Score of a Website - Harish Mandokar
How to Reduce Spam Score of a Website What is the Spam Score? Basically, Spam Score has been developed by SEO data and software company Moz to measure website quality. It tells Spammy score of any site according to the points of spam flags, which live between 0 to 17. If Spam Score is 17 of any site, then it points to the point that Google has blacklisted the domain, now it will never be seen in the search results. Suppose if Spam Score of a site is 1,2,3 or 4, then there is no harm to it, But yes, you must take care of this thing further that it can be dangerous for your website in the coming times. Because if a blog gets a Spam Score of 5 or 6 then the webmaster should agree that one thing is a warning from Google. If a blog’s Spam Score is 7, 8 or more, then he should change his domain and should think deeply about the mistakes that were earlier not repeated, and in their SEO strategy Should make excessive changes. If seen, the blog’s Spam Score is up ...