How to Reduce Spam Score of a Website - Harish Mandokar

How to Reduce Spam Score of a Website

What is the Spam Score?

What is spam score

Basically, Spam Score has been developed by SEO data and software company Moz to measure website quality. It tells Spammy score of any site according to the points of spam flags, which live between 0 to 17. If Spam Score is 17 of any site, then it points to the point that Google has blacklisted the domain, now it will never be seen in the search results.

Suppose if Spam Score of a site is 1,2,3 or 4, then there is no harm to it, But yes, you must take care of this thing further that it can be dangerous for your website in the coming times.

Because if a blog gets a Spam Score of 5 or 6 then the webmaster should agree that one thing is a warning from Google.
If a blog’s Spam Score is 7, 8 or more, then he should change his domain and should think deeply about the mistakes that were earlier not repeated, and in their SEO strategy Should make excessive changes.

If seen, the blog’s Spam Score is up to 4 and there is no problem in Google search and nor does Google take any harmful action for that domain, but if more than that it is called spammy domain, which in no way can not perform in Google search, the domain is also blacklisted by Google when more scores are 

How to check the site’s Spam Score?

How to check spam score

If you want to check your site’s Spam Score so this is a very easy process and you don’t need to spend any money in it because you have a free tool Moz open site for Spam Score checker.

When you use this online tool, you will need to just analyze by entering the blog or website URL, shortly after your blog or website reports will be in front of your eyes.

Not only this but with the Moz site explorer you will also be able to see reports about your blog’s DA PA score and inbound links.

By the way, if you want, you can use the Moz toolbar instead of using the spam score checker tool to check all these reports. This is a Moz chrome extension that you can install in your Chrome browser for free. It does not have to spend any money on this.

By the way, most blogger Mozbar chrome installs in the browser because it makes the link of any blog or website’s DA PA and spam flags easy to find, and the high-quality site is quickly detected.

How to reduce the site’s Spam Score?

how to reduce site spam score

The major reason for any site’s rise in this score is spammy links. If there are extreme low-quality backlinks on a site or the spam merit of links is high, then the Spam Score is also raised on that site.

Means we should wholly avoid making links for our site which are broke in quality. Some people make more links in a single day, it is also very wrong to do this because spam rates also boost in this way.

If we want to reduce the spam score of our blog, then we need to find those low quality and spammy links that are linked to your site and should be disavowed by making a list of such links.

When you remove such bad links from your blog, Moz algorithm will scan the blog again once again, the new link will reduce the spam score according to the quality, and this is possible only when you are completely The lower quality links will have been removed from your 

What causes Spam Score?

causes of spam score

In addition, Moz algorithm uses the following factor to provide the blog’s spam score -

Low Moz trust or Moz rank:

The Moz Rank and Moz trust low of any blog only happen when there is an excessive amount of incoming links and excessive low-quality links, meaning there are no such trustworthy backlinks on the blog, the biggest reason for the increase in spam score is.

Site Link Diversity Low:

A blog that has very few links or can even say that a blog has backlinks from very few websites or the number of referring domains is very low, it is called the low site link Diversity.

If the link diversity of a site is low then its spam score is also increased. So if we want to reduce the score then we will also need to increase the number of referring domain links to our blog.

Large site with Few Links:

If a blog or website is 2–3 years old and has 400–500 articles then it is called a big site. Now if there are very few backlinks on such a website then spam rate is also increased because Moz algorithm and search engine bots links check the profile and see that according to the website age, its content has not been linked by any other websites, so it seems that there is no good content on this site.

High Anchor Text Ratio:

While creating backlinks for your blog, you should take special care of anchor text because I have noticed that if you get more links with the name of your blog, which are called branded links, they badly damage the SEO ranking.

Therefore, we should make branded links very little and if it is not made it is best because they affect the anchor text ratio.

Due to the formation of such excessive links, spam score is increased. To avoid this, 1% -10% should create backlinks for anchor text only.

Do-follow and No-follow links Proportion:

The backlink proportion of any site also impact a great extent, so if we want to degrade the spam score, when making links, so it should be noted that creating backlinks according to the proportion of 50% Dofollow and 50% Nofollow links. Otherwise, the spam score raises if the ratio down.

A large number of External Links:

If external links are added to a blog, its chances of increasing the spam score are increased.

Therefore, while writing a post, it is important to note that if you have a 1000 words post, then you should add only one external link and that should also be linked to an authority website whose spam score is 0 or less than 4.

Thin Content:

Google algorithm always scan sites with such as poor content and keeps giving them penalties.

A blog or website on which information is shared in very few words takes them as google spam because such content is called low-quality content, due to the thin content of such a blog spam score is high.

Anchor Text Heavy Page:

If a lot of external website links are used on many blog posts in the anchor text, then it is in the category of Anchor Text Heavy Page, which causes spam score to increase.

In order to avoid this problem, the post should not always add too many anchor text or close links to another website.

No Contact Information:

Google does not always like these sites and treats them as spam which doesn’t have contact information such as owner email, social media profile, etc. The same thing goes on Moz merging, so the spam score of such sites is elevated.

Site Mark-up is Abnormally Small:

Such blogs, which have more HTML than text, have a higher JavaScript score, such a site also gets more spam score.

Domain Name Contains Numerals:

For blogs whose numbers like 123, 42 are added, they are flagged separately for Moz spam score.

Such domains that contain numbers such as blogging51 etc are provided by a spam flag by Moz because they are not counted in the category of trustworthy domains.

TLD Correlated with Spam Domains:

Websites that are created on a subdomain such as, have their spam score high because Google treats such subdomain as low quality and correlated TLD.

So whenever you want to create a site, you should only build on the top-level domain.

Low Number of Internal Links:

Blogs which have poor linking in posts are also spam flagged. Therefore, to prevent spam score from moving, strong linking is important in every single post.

Site Mark-up is Abnormally Small:

Such blogs, which have more HTML than text, have a higher JavaScript score, such a site also gets more spam score.

Domain Name Length:

Websites that have a very high domain length also come in under spam. We should choose only domain whose length is slight and the user is easily remembered.

External Links in Navigation:

Websites whose menu, footer or sidebar are very much linked to external website links, then such a site’s spam score is high.

Therefore, too many links to any other website should not be added anywhere in the stated part of your website.

So these were some of the factors that caused the website’s spam score to grow, which I have tried to tell you a little bit about. If you blogging by keeping the things mentioned above, blog score can decrease.


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