What is the use of Sitemap & Robots in SEO
A sitemap gives indication to Google that which pages within your website are important & needs to be indexed. Also sitemap gives useful information about the pages like, when the page last updated, how often it gets updated, what is its priority etc.
Now sitemap is of 2 types. xml sitemap & HTML sitemap. xml sitemap are often used by search engines crawlers to pick up the relevant data & index them in searching results. HTML sitemap are designed for users for navigation purpose within the website.
xml sitemap helps to boost SEO. This gives clear ides about your website structure to all the search engines. This is useful for a site having the multiple pages & gets updated on regular basis. You can decide the priority of your pages also. In webmaster portal, sitemap can be updated regularly, hence the newly added pages will be updated quickly.
HTML sitemaps acts as the directory for the large websites. User can directly jump to their targeted pages without going through the stages. It helps in categorizing the website content. It builds internal linking opportunities & improves site navigation.
robots.txt is a text file that tells search engine which portion of website should be crawled & which is not. Site owners creates this file to give indications to the search engines that which pages in the website should be crawled & which pages needs to be kept hidden from search engine crawling.robots.txt can be used in 2 ways. You can directly add the robots.txt file to the root folder with all the exclusions that you want & you can use specific header tags called meta robots to a specific page to block that page from crawling.
You can block your website from being crawled by specific search engines through disallow command. It is used to block personal data, directory or path that we wan to hide it from user. For better crawling & indexing it is recommended to give your sitemap path just below the command tags.
robots.txt has some advantages like, preventing the duplicate content from being crawled, keeping certain section of website private, specify the location of sitemap, blocking certain search engines, etc.
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