
Showing posts from April, 2021

What is the use of Sitemap & Robots in SEO

  A sitemap gives indication to Google that which pages within your website are important & needs to be indexed. Also sitemap gives useful information about the pages like, when the page last updated, how often it gets updated, what is its priority etc.  Now sitemap is of 2 types. xml sitemap & HTML sitemap. xml sitemap are often used by search engines crawlers to pick up the relevant data & index them in searching results. HTML sitemap are designed for users for navigation purpose within the website. xml sitemap helps to boost SEO. This gives clear ides about your website structure to all the search  engines. This is useful for a site having the multiple pages & gets updated on regular basis. You can decide the priority of your pages also. In webmaster portal, sitemap can be updated regularly, hence the newly added pages will be updated quickly. HTML sitemaps acts as the directory for the large websites. User can directly jump to their targeted pages w...

What is Cross-linking in SEO?

  Connecting one site to another is called Cross-linking & it's same as exchanging the link with the principle that you link to me; I will link to you.  It's the same person who is responsible for cross-linking 2 or 3 sites. Cross-linking is basically categorized into 2 parts, i.e., 2-way link & 3-way link. This linking process generates authority of your website pages & encourage users to find the relevant content & access it according to their requirement. This will increase user engagement with our site & also this the valuable for search engine rankings. This is useful for pages indexing in search engines. Advantages of Cross-linking - Improve user engagement with your website - Improve site navigation - Improve keywords ranking - Improve site indexing  - Improve backlinks - Improve traffic

Why Are Internal and External Links Important for SEO?

Internal vs External Links Internal links are hyperlinks that direct the reader to a target page on your website, whereas an external link is a hyperlink that directs the reader to a reputable page on a different website. External links may seem counter intuitive — after all, you don't want customers clicking on links that direct them away from your site. However, linking to trustworthy material (from authority sites, not sites perceived as spam-like) helps you also appear to be an authority and can help Google figure out what your content is about for SEO purposes. It's important to keep in mind that other sites for different companies can provide external links to your website in their own content as well. For instance, if you publish a blog post with useful content, another company may link back to that URL as a source for their own blog. These types of links to your site are key, as they boost your search engine rankings in Google's search algorithm. Benefits of Interna...